Live Performances and Venues

LSO St Lukes

CBSO Centre, Birmingham

Regent Street Festival

Under The Starts- Newham and BBC Asian Network

Dynamic Spirit, Imperial College

Divine Onkar Mission, Birmingham

Olympic Bid, Stratford London

East Meets West, London Palladium

East Anglia University

Nottingham Mela 21, BBC Asian Network

Diwali on the Square, Trafalgar Square

Edinburgh Mela, Big Top Stage

Aberdeen Kings College Chapel

Shetland Islands (Lerwick)

Queens Hall, Edinburgh

Sage, Gateshead, Newcastle

Alchemy Festival, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre

Shetland Islands (Bigton)

Jazz Festival, Glasgow

Pavillion Arts Centre, Buxton

Cheltenham Festival, Cheltenham Spa

Milapfest, Liverpool

Brunton Theatre


West Kilbride

The Institue, New Lanark

Woodend Barn, Banchory, Aberdeenshire

Ardross Hall, Easter Ross

Sabhar Mol Ostaig, Isle Of Skye

Symposium Hall, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh

Carter Road, Mumbai, India

Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan

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